Too Much of a Good Things of Dogs

During most activities, your dog will run faster, work harder and cover more ground than you do. “She may have so much heart that she keeps going past the point of exhaustion, just because she thinks you want her to,” cautions Dr. Bond. It’s up to you to use common sense, practice moderation, and watch her for signs of fatigue or for difficulty in breathing.

Dogs don’t have very efficient way of keeping cool, and can succumb all too easily to heatstroke during hot weather. Avoid exercising your dog too vigorously in the heat of the day, and in particularly hot weather be sure to keep her routine pretty relaxed. If she appears distressed and you suspect heatstroke follow the steps in “Heatstroke” some where.

Pad Problems:
While her paws are strong and sturdy, they are also unprotected from things that you, in your socks and shoes, don’t even notice. Exercise your dog during the coolest time of the day throughout summer, and check the temperature of the pavement before you step out. Place your hand on it for several seconds to make sure it’s okay. If it is still hot from the sun, it will burn her pads.

Winter brings different pad problems. Road salt, unlike ordinary salt, can burn your dog’s feet. (It can also burn her mouth if she bites at her feet, and her belly if she kicks salt on herself while trotting along). Road sand isn’t any better. The chemicals it contains to melt ice can also burn her feet. To prevent pad problems, towel of her chest, underbelly and feet when you finish your walk. This will get rid of any snow and chemical precautions against frostbite, such as not letting her stay outside for too long on ice-encrusted snow or when there is a big wind chill factor. Check for cracked pads or tiny cuts on her pads afterwards. Pads sometimes becomes dry in the winter, just as our hands do, and a daily dab of medicate Vaseline can be very soothing.