Your puppy should visit the vet within two days of your brining him home, whether his vaccinations are due or not, advises Dr. Wilcox. Put him in his creates for the journey, and packs a roll of paper towels just in case he gets carsick on the way. If you have puppy’s health record, take it along. Also take sample of his stool. (A quick tip: turn a reseal able plastic bag inside out, pick up a small section of your pup’s stool with the bag, turn the bag right side out and close it.)
When you arrive at the clinic, give the health record and stool sample to the receptionist – it will be checked under a microscope to see it he should be treated for worms. Keep your puppy in your arms or in his crate while you wait for the vet to see him. It’s easy for young pups to pick up germs, so don’t let him sniff around on the floor or play with strange dogs.
Keeping Him Happy:
When it’s your puppy’s turn in the examining room, be matter – of – fact about putting him on the table. Hold him in place gently, but as firmly as necessary, for the checkup. “Don’t console or coddle him or he’ll be sure something terrible is about to happen,” Says Dr. Wilcox. “Instead, talk to him in a happy, upbeat voice.”
Even if needles make you nervous, don’t let it show, because your puppy will take his cue from you. If you’re tense, he will be fearful, but if you act naturally and seem to like the vet, he will feel more comfortable and like the vet, too.
The Checkup:
On your puppy’s first trip to the vet, he will be checked over thoroughly to make sure everything is okay. Your vet will take your puppy’s temperature and listen to his heart, as well as examine his eyes, nose, ears, throat, stomach and skin, and check for swollen glands. Your pup will also be given any vaccinations that may be due. The whole examination is painless and will be over in five to ten minutes.
Any Question:
If you’ve noticed anything about your puppy that you especially want to have checked, or if you especially want to have checked, or if you have any questions, be sure to bring them up, advises Dr. Wilcox. You’ve already spent day or two with him and may sense something unusual that your vet maybe won’t see during a routine exam unless you mention it.
This is also a good time to discuss heartworm prevention, a vaccination schedule and neutering, and to find out how the clinic handles after – hours and weekend emergencies.