Dog Disease - Spaying and Neutering of your Dog

If you do not want to breed your dogs, then spaying and neutering of dogs are very essential. However, these should be carried out by capable veterinarians who have specialized in pet care and management. Anesthesia is necessary along with surgical procedures while carrying out spaying and neutering. 
However, it is important to first understand what spaying or neutering stand for. Both of them are surgical processes of sterilizing female dogs and male dogs respectively. The term neutering may be linked to such procedures in both sexes. Unplanned pregnancies  in your dog which are unwanted can be reduced by these operations.

These procedures also help to prevent incident of Pyometra, which is a frequent reproduction disease which gives problem to the dog owners. In male dogs, neutering also averts the incident of prostate enlargement or cancer. Thus, these procedures may be used to reduce the occurrences of reproductive diseases in dogs.

By both these procedures, the desire of the male dog to search for female dog in heat is reduced and as a result the wandering of male dog is minimized. As a result of these surgical procedures animals tend to become calm. In case of a male, these procedures also reduce the territorial behavior of these animals.

In order to stop the dog getting breast cancer, it is advisable that you should spay your dog before the incident of first heat. According to a research it has been found that if you spay your dog after the first heat then the chances of getting breast cancer in them is increased. Young dogs are operated in order to avoid problems in future.   

Most veterinarians advise that the spaying and neutering of the dogs must be done only at the age of five to six years. However, these surgeries can even be carried out at the age of three to five years. In order to avoid the infections by microbial organisms, postoperative care must be carried out carefully.