It is said that a dog is a man's best friend and having your best friend accompany you everywhere you go is always a joy. When you are planning to fly halfway across the country then a lot of thinking has to be done. You need to think over things like is it worth taking the puppy along? In your absence who will look after him? Should you board him in a kennel? etc Apart from this you need to do a lot of research for example to ensure that the places you are staying in will allow pets or not. Once all that has been taken care of then ensure that your puppy's vaccinations are up to date. Visit a vet to check if the puppy is set and sound to travel.
Along with your things, you would need to pack his supplies such as bowls, toys, leash, medicines etc. You will also have to take his crate along so that he does not miss out on any training by being left open. You must take some food and water along too and ensure that you do not feed him three to four hours before leaving as this can cause an upset stomach. Feed your puppy when you get to your destined place and take him in the open air right after that.
Try to go during off peak hours if you are traveling by plane. And try to get non-stop trip, if that's not possible then get a trip with as few stops as possible. Try to get a carrier that can fit under the seat as then the animal can travel with you on the plane. Attach a LIVE animal sticker to it so that people around you may know that an animal is traveling with you. Before the trip take the dog for a long walk because he may need to kept locked up in foreign places. You must contact your travel agent to check about the restrictions.
With a little planning, your best friend can accompany you in your trips and enjoy the vacations along with you. If you aren't able to take him along, then ensure that a trusted friend can look after him for you or have the dog placed in a kennel.