It is very important for your household that you choose the right puppy. Some questions to contemplate over while deciding on the type of dog you want include that whether or not the dog would get along with your kids? In case of other animals in your household, will the dog get along with them? Does the dog have a good temperament?
You may also need to decide whether you want a purebred or mixed breed or just a plan old mutt? Mixed breeds may be with in your budget whereas purebreds can be ultraexpensive. One must not completely ignore the mutt option either from the local pound as mutts can be just as adorable, dynamic, and loyal as the other breeds.
The size of a puppy is an important factor. You must always think about how big or small the dog must be that you want. It is important to see that you must have a room for the pup to run and play around or will it be locked up because you dont go outside often. You must see that if this is the case then is there room enough for the puppy to run around feely.
Character of a puppy emerge within seven weeks of age. Therefore you must spend a little time in selecting and deciding on what dog you want. You must make sure that you are able to hold the puppy and nestle him. See if the pup runs and hides when you drop a book during a quiet moment. Take out time for your puppy and get on your hands and knewws and play with him. See if he respons to you kindly or shows aggression towards you.
There are many places to start your search, the best option is asking your friends or vet. Moreover, you can contact your local shelter or ASPCA for their choice of animals. www.petfinder.com is a good website to help you with your search.