Ask yourself these basic questions before collecting your puppy:
- Where will the puppy sleep at night and/or during the day?
- Who is going to spend time during the early weeks bonding with the puppy and encouraging house training, (particularly important if yours is a working household).
- Where will the puppy’s food and water bowl stand?
- Who will let the puppy out if the family need/want to go out for the day?
- What arrangements will be made for a vet?
- What items are needed before collecting the Puppy?
Making the arrangements for collection of your Puppy
If part of a large litter, the breeder will make arrangements for a mutually convenient time to collect your puppy with only one or two going each day. This allows the dame, if not already separated from her puppies, to get used to the number of puppies decreasing over several days. The date and timing can be negotiated at the first meeting and a letter may be sent to confirm this. Most puppies are homed at eight weeks from whelping, so the breeder will want to make sure that all the paper work and food supply are ready for each individual puppy. Make sure that you arrive on time because this is a very busy time for the breeder!
Allowing Enough Time
To calculate a suitable time for collection work out the journey time to the breeders and back, and allow around one hour to go through the contract of sale, Diet sheet, and any necessary paperwork. Collection should preferably be in the morning or early afternoon. Do remember that there may be a long journey ahead, and your puppy needs time to settle before bed time. If at all possible try not to stop after collecting your puppy so fill up your gas/petrol before collecting your puppy. Make a list of any additional questions to which you might need answers as breeders are happy to provide further information at this stage, as it may be more difficult to reach them by phone afterwards.
Checklist of Basic Items needed for your new Puppy
- Crate/Bed/Box
- Supply of washable blankets
- Pen/Stair gate for containing the puppy
- Bowl for food and water
- Tray for bowl
- Puppy Brush / Comb for grooming
- Newspapers for house training
Things to take with you when you go to collect your Puppy
- Map of where you are going
- Address and telephone number of the breeder
- Cash or check
- Spectacles for reading small print
- Camera for taking a photo of the puppy with its mother and litter mates
Equipment to take with you for the puppy
- An old towel
- A small bowl and bottle of water
- Newspaper, Paper towel and Plastic bags (In case the puppy gets sick)
- A box or small cage and a blanket for it to lie on
The Journey home
A second person is usually needed to supervise your puppy while it is in the box or cage. Children and other pets preferably should be left at home. Puppies tend to whine or bark if frightened of traveling. Talk gently and reassuringly to the puppy, as it may be very frightened. If sick, clean it up and replace towel or blanket. Keep the puppy warm but not overheated or in a drought. Unless absolutely necessary, do not stop for a break, go straight home. If your puppy needs a drink, use the water and bowl as you travel.